Artist: Diane Royal
Daisy was designed and painted by Diane Royal, Mayor Glenn Royal’s wife and lives just outside their beautiful yellow house in Old Seabrook. She was named after Diane’s beloved Australian Terrier, who can be seen sitting at the feet of the larger than life fiberglass pelican.
Artist Paul Urbanek
John & Betty Burkland purchased Wally to sit outside their business, Technical Automation Services Corporation. Wally, painted by Paul Urbanek, serves as Seabrook resident Pelican and was designed as a tribute the numerous area residents who have represented our county while in space.
Lone Star
Artist: Faith Shallis
If you have ever paid a visit to City Hall then you have probably met Lone Star. He shows his pride for Texas by wearing the Texas Flag. Faith Shallies, Seabrook’s very own, painted Lone Star. Faith who worked for the city for over ten years. Visitors and residents love taking selfies with Lone Star.